Financial Loss
Seal the Gap, Shield Your Journey: Unleash Confidence with Our Superior Financial Loss Service Plan
Relieves financial strain in the event of a total loss or unrecovered theft by bridging the gap between the fair market value determined by the primary car insurer and the remaining loan balance.

Negative Equity Bridge
In the event of a vehicle write off or unrecovered theft where insurance does not cover the full amount of the oustanding loan. Up to $50,000

Total Loss
In a total loss scenario, an accident that is considered a write-off may leave you with debt on a vehicle you no longer own. Financial Loss protects you from this negative equity.

New Or Used Vehicle
Financial Loss can be applied to any new or used vehicle at the time of purchase.

Loan Protection
Coverage for up to 96 months and a total aggregate of $50,000

Maximize Trade Value
Reduces negative equity that allows better customer purchasing power.

Original Dealership
Financial Loss payment is provided as an in-store credit to the originating dealer. Improving customer retention.
How It Works